I thought I would start with something simple, but not too simple.
To add to the pressure, this loaf was planned to be used as one of the centre pieces for a family meal. #gulp!
So, I followed the recipe, but with an open mind.
Paul's recipe states in the adding water phase to not add all the water to begin with and add more when/if needed. This gave me the opportunity to follow my own 'cookery' instinct (if there is such a thing).
My instinct was put to the test when I ended up adding all the water, and the mixture turned into a wet mess. So I went off-piste, adding a little more flour and ended up with the following...
What a work out! Really, Paul was right! I've been saying I need to start doing some exercise and have been struggling with motivation. Now, with food involved, I won't have a problem doing this.
With this first attempt, I've found that kneading consistently for 5-10 mins works best. You end up with something that is obviously 'kneaded' with the fact that you can stretch it out and it has a silky smooth feel to the dough. Love kneading!! You need kneading, I'm your man!
So, then began the magical first proving stage, using some olive oil so the dough didn't stick to the bowl.
The dough began like so...
And after an hour...
Wow!! That was encouraging!
Watching something grow after a bit of work is quite amazing in my opinion.
Now came the second kneading, which was slightly different. There was some technique involved.
I had to push it out, getting the air out, folding inwards...
... and then shaping into a cob...
And then letting it prove further...
Now for the baking.
First I had to score the loaf...
Not too dangerous.
Then came my only cock-up out of the whole experience.
Creating a steam bath in the oven gives the loaf a nice golden brown crust.
I saw Paul doing it on his show.
So I boiled up a kettle of water, opened up the preheated oven and then poured the water into the baking tray on the bottom shelf.
Steam is given off at this point. Very hot steam. And when you're not wearing oven gloves, you get this...
Burnt hand! The picture above depicts my burnt hand with coconut oil liberally applied my the Mrs. Worth having in the kitchen as it not only helps heal burns extremely well, but is also a very healthy alternative to olive oil in cooking.
So. I mixed, kneaded, proved, kneaded again, proved again, and now, I bake.
This was the end result...
Very, very yummy indeed!
Well received by our guests. The machine made loaf wasn't even cut into!
Very encouraging start to my mission to become like Paul Hollywood!
Stay tuned for the next post. Coming very soon!
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